Why Choose Our Sensors?
- These sensors are highly advanced and convenient to use to ensure that the information and suggestions delivered to manage your fleet are reliable. Our solutions offer real-time alerts and always keep a track of your assets and drivers to provide protections.
Driver ID tags
Track your drivers and assign them to specific trips corresponding to the vehicle they use.
CAN Bus and OBD gateway
Recieve real-time updates on how the engine of your car is performing, the status of the brake pads, the levels of your car’s oil, whether the lights are functional, and more.
Cargo door monitoring
Know when doors open and close, as well as receive notifications for any attempted access of your cargo by unauthorized personnel
Application of Specialized Sensors
Our sensors are designed not only for specific objects like tracking cargo but also for general use such as monitoring fuel. Fleet managers can now receive customized solutions to address the specific needs of different fleet.
Use of AI
Video Cameras
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Logistics & Transportation
Improve delivery reliability and security by including movement of cargo door, fuel consumption rate and the vehicle health status in real time.
Construction & Heavy Machinery
Monitor occupancy rates, fares, and vehicle health data and thereby ensure a high quality of the service offered while achieving the best efficiency for each journey.
Public & Commercial Transport
Track occupancy rates, fare data, and vehicle health, helping you maintain service quality and optimize fleet performance for every journey.